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Environmental and Sustainability Policy

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Labour Solutions Australia (LSA) is one of Australia’s leading workforce management and labour hire companies. LSA is committed to conducting its operations in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner and reducing climate change impact. This Environmental and Sustainability Policy outlines our dedication to minimizing our environmental impact and fostering sustainable practices throughout our organization.

Recognizing the significance of minimizing our impact on the environment, LSA views environmental stewardship as a core business principle. Our focus is on reducing waste, maximizing resource efficiencies, and adopting a holistic, information-based approach to lessen our overall environmental footprint.

In order to achieve this goal and remain an employer of choice, LSA is committed to the following:

  • LSA is committed to complying with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and industry-specific requirements. This includes adherence to ISO 14001 standards for environmental management, reflecting our dedication to achieving and maintaining the highest environmental performance.

  • We strive to optimize the use of resources, including energy and water, while actively working to minimize waste generation. Our approach involves continuous improvement and the integration of sustainable practices into our day-to-day operations.

  • LSA documents, monitors, reviews, and continually improves its Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure that established goals and objectives are met. This proactive approach ensures the effectiveness of our environmental initiatives.

  • Operating in an ecologically sustainable manner, LSA is committed to reducing waste and efficiently managing energy and resources within our control. We actively engage with employees to develop and implement environmental initiatives that contribute to our sustainability goals.

  • LSA provides an environmentally sound workplace for employees, establishing standards that promote the use of environmentally friendly processes and materials in alignment with existing safety standards.

  • Our commitment extends to minimizing our carbon footprint through the implementation of initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operations and transportation activities.

  • Transparency is a key element of our commitment. LSA ensures openness by making our Environmental Sustainability Policy/Statement readily available to staff, customers, and the general public. Moreover, we undertake an annual reporting process to effectively communicate our progress in environmental management.

  • Our dedication to minimizing our carbon footprint involves implementing initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operations and transportation activities.

  • In our pursuit of sustainability, LSA actively engages with suppliers and contractors who share our commitment to minimizing their impact on the environment. This collaboration is essential for fostering mutual sustainability goals and promoting responsible environmental practices across our supply chain.

  • LSA is dedicated to the continual improvement of our environmental performance. Through regular assessments, audits, and evaluations, we identify opportunities to further reduce our environmental impact and enhance overall sustainability.

This Environmental and Sustainability Policy serves as a guiding framework for LSA, ensuring that our business practices align with our commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable development.