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Quality Policy Statement

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Policy Statement

Labour Solutions Australia (LSA) is one of Australia’s leading workforce management and labour hire companies. Our business is built on one key fundamental, Excellence in Customer Service.

We strive to over deliver on our promises and take a proactive approach to the management of our clients’ requirements. Our major goal is to partner with our clients to drive productivity and minimise risk, allowing our clients to concentrate on their core operations.

Labour Solutions Australia’s Position

LSA is committed to quality through the employment of suitably qualified and experienced staff, and the development and implementation of management policies, procedures etc.

LSA assures quality through the alignment and integration of its strategic and operational planning objectives with its evaluation, accreditation and review processes. The Quality Management System

(QMS) provides an underlying structure for the management and support for quality issues and is designed to assist LSA in its organisational drive towards sustainability.

The alignment of policy and governance is a critical issue for achieving quality at LSA. The QMS sets out the key governance mechanisms associated with the organisation’s key principles and core benefits.

In order to achieve this goal and remain a leader in our field, Labour Solutions Australia is committed to the following:

  • Develop, implement and continually improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our QMS in conformance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015

  • Work closely with our clients to ensure that we collect feedback, understand their needs and meet (and exceed where possible) their expectations.

  • Monitor and comply with all applicable statutory, client and industry requirements.

  • Ensure we recruit people who are qualified, competent, and suitable to fulfil the purpose of each role, meeting our performance and quality objectives.

  • Train and educate our people to continually improve skills, awareness and knowledge of quality issues and work practices.

  • Involve our people in quality related decisions and initiatives.

  • Establish and act upon quality objectives and performance targets to ensure systems and processes are continually improved to ensure ongoing effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Routinely review and respond to our performance against objectives and targets that have been set.

  • Provide enough and suitable resources to implement and maintain our QMS.

To ensure we remain a business that is committed to Quality it is vital that all employees and contractors conduct their work in a manner that consistently complies with defined processes, systems and controls.